Debug your JavaScript code running in Microsoft Edge from VS Code and Visual Studio.

A VS Code extension to debug your JavaScript code in the Microsoft Edge browser. This is also used to enable JavaScript debugging inside the Microsoft Edge browser when launched from ASP.Net Projects in Visual Studio.

Note: This extension currently supports both Microsoft Edge (Chromium) and Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML). This extension can debug any version of Microsoft Edge (Chromium) but only some versions of Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML). To see if your Windows version supports debugging Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML) via Edge DevTools Protocol, please refer here.

The new Microsoft Edge is based on Chromium and was released on January 15, 2020. It is compatible with all supported versions of Windows, and macOS. With speed, performance, best in class compatibility for websites and extensions, and built-in privacy and security features, it's the only browser you'll ever need. Try the new Microsoft Edge now. Didn't Server 2019 ship with Edge (non-chromium)? It definitely still has IE. Unless MSFT has been making HUGE strides in reworking core-components of the OS, there's no way they've moved completely away from the IE underpinnings IMO.

Supported features

  • Setting breakpoints, including in source files when source maps are enabled
  • Stepping through the code
  • The Locals pane
  • Debugging eval scripts, script tags, and scripts that are added dynamically
  • Watches

Unsupported scenarios

  • Debugging web workers
  • Any features that aren't script debugging.

Getting Started

For debugging inside VS Code

  1. Open the folder containing the project you want to work on.
Edge Chromium Server 2019

For debugging Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML or Chromium) inside Visual Studio

  1. Install a supported version of Windows.
  2. Install the latest version of Visual Studio. Debugging Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML) is supported for VS versions >= 15.7. Debugging Microsoft Edge (Chromium) is supported for VS versions >= 15.9.19.
  3. Create an ASP.Net/ASP.Net Core Web Application.
  4. Set a breakpoint in your JavaScript/TypeScript file.
  5. Select 'Microsoft Edge' from the 'Web Browser' submenu in the debug target dropdown, and then press F5.

For enabling both Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML) and Microsoft Edge (Chromium) in Visual Studio


By default, installing Microsoft Edge (Chromium) will overwrite Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML). To enable both browsers:

  1. After extracting the template files above, copy the files as shown below:
  1. Follow these instructions to enable side by side installations.

Using the debugger

When your launch config is set up, you can debug your project. Pick a launch config from the dropdown on the Debug pane in Code. Press the play button or F5 to start.


The extension operates in two modes - it can launch an instance of Microsoft Edge navigated to your app, or it can attach to a running instance of Edge. Both modes require you to be serving your web application from a local web server, which is started from either a VS Code task or from your command-line. Using the url parameter you simply tell VS Code which URL to either open or launch in Edge.

You can configure these modes with a .vscode/launch.json file in the root directory of your project. You can create this file manually, or Code will create one for you if you try to run your project, and it doesn't exist yet.


Below are two example launch.json configs with 'request': 'launch'. You must specify either file or url to launch Microsoft Edge against a local file or a url. If you use a url, set webRoot to the directory that files are served from. This can be either an absolute path or a path using ${workspaceFolder} (the folder open in Code). Note that webRoot is used to resolve urls (like 'http://localhost/app.js') to a file on disk (like /Users/me/project/app.js), so be careful that it's set correctly.

Microsoft Edge (Chromium)

If the stable release of Microsoft Edge (Chromium) is on your machine, this debug adapter will launch it by default. If you'd like to launch a different channel of Microsoft Edge (Chromium), simply add a version attribute to your existing configuration with the version you want to launch (dev, beta, or canary). The example configuration below will launch the Canary version of Microsoft Edge (Chromium):

If you want to use a different installation of a Chromium-based browser, you can also set the runtimeExecutable field with a path to the browser executable. Note that if you are using the runtimeExecutable flag, you should not be using version.

Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML)

If you do not have the stable release of Microsoft Edge (Chromium) on your machine, the debug adapter will launch Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML) by default. You will have the same default configuration as above.


With 'request': 'attach', you must launch Microsoft Edge with remote debugging enabled in order for the extension to attach to it. Here's how you can do that:


  • Open the Command Prompt
  • Run msedge.exe --remote-debugging-port=2015 for Microsoft Edge (Chromium) or microsoftedge.exe --devtools-server-port=2015 for Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML)

The example launch.json config below will attach to either Microsoft Edge (Chromium) or Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML) depending on which one you launched on port 2015.

Other optional launch config fields

Edge Chromium Server 2019 Rds

  • trace: When true, the adapter logs its own diagnostic info to a file. The file path will be printed in the Debug Console. This is often useful info to include when filing an issue on GitHub. If you set it to 'verbose', it will log to a file and also log to the console.
  • version: When set to canary, dev, or beta, it will launch the matching version of Microsoft Edge (Chromium). If not specified, Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML) will be launched.
  • runtimeExecutable: Workspace relative or absolute path to the runtime executable to be used. If not specified, Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML) will be used from the default install location.
  • runtimeArgs: Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.
  • env: Optional dictionary of environment key/value pairs.
  • cwd: Optional working directory for the runtime executable.
  • userDataDir: Normally, if Microsoft Edge is already running when you start debugging with a launch config, then the new instance won't start in remote debugging mode. So by default, the extension launches Microsoft Edge with a separate user profile in a temp folder. Use this option to set a different path to use, or set to false to launch with your default user profile. Note that this is only applicable to Microsoft Edge (Chromium) and will not work with Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML).
  • url: On a 'launch' config, it will launch Microsoft Edge at this URL.
  • urlFilter: On an 'attach' config, or a 'launch' config with no 'url' set, search for a page with this url and attach to it. It can also contain wildcards, for example, 'localhost:*/app' will match either 'http://localhost:123/app' or 'http://localhost:456/app', but not ''.
  • targetTypes: On an 'attach' config, or a 'launch' config with no 'url' set, set a list of acceptable target types from the default ['page']. For example, if you are attaching to an Electron app, you might want to set this to ['page', 'webview']. A value of null disables filtering by target type. Note that this is only applicable to Microsoft Edge (Chromium) and will not work with Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML).
  • sourceMaps: By default, the adapter will use sourcemaps and your original sources whenever possible. You can disable this by setting sourceMaps to false.
  • pathMapping: This property takes a mapping of URL paths to local paths, to give you more flexibility in how URLs are resolved to local files. 'webRoot': '${workspaceFolder}' is just shorthand for a pathMapping like { '/': '${workspaceFolder}' }.
  • smartStep: Automatically steps over code that doesn't map to source files. Especially useful for debugging with async/await.
  • disableNetworkCache: If true, the network cache will be disabled.
  • showAsyncStacks: If true, callstacks across async calls (like setTimeout, fetch, resolved Promises, etc) will be shown.
  • useWebView: If true or advanced, the debugger will treat the runtimeExecutable as an application hosting a WebView. See: Microsoft Edge (Chromium) WebView applications

Microsoft Edge (Chromium) WebView applications

You can also use the debugger to launch applications that are using an embedded Microsoft Edge (Chromium) WebView. With the correct launch.json properties, the debugger will launch your host application and attach to the WebView allowing you to debug the running script content.

To use the debugger against a WebView application use the following properties in your launch config:

  • runtimeExecutable: Set this to the full path to your host application.
  • useWebView: Set this to be true or advanced depending on how your host application is using WebViews

In basic scenarios, your host application is using a single WebView that is loaded on launch of your application. If this is the case, you should set useWebView to be true. This will treat the host application just like it was another browser, attaching to the WebView on launch and failing with a timeout if it cannot find a matching url or urlFilter within the timeout.

In more advanced scenarios, your host appliation may be using a single WebView that doesn't load until later in your workflow. It may also be using multiple WebViews within the same application, or have a dependency on a specific userDataDir setting. In these cases you should set useWebView to be advanced. This will cause the debugger to treat your host application differently. When launching, the debugger will wait until it gets notified of a WebView that matches the urlFilter value without timing out. It will also not override the userDataDir internally and may attach on a different port value than what is specified in the config if several WebViews created in the host application.

Other targets

You can also theoretically attach to other targets that support the same Chrome DevTools Protocol as the Microsoft Edge (Chromium) browser, such as Electron or Cordova. These aren't officially supported, but should work with basically the same steps. You can use a launch config by setting 'runtimeExecutable' to a program or script to launch, or an attach config to attach to a process that's already running. If Code can't find the target, you can always verify that it is actually available by navigating to http://localhost:<port>/json in a browser. If you get a response with a bunch of JSON, and can find your target page in that JSON, then the target should be available to this extension.

Skip files / Mark as Library code

You can use the skipFiles property to mark specific files as Library code while debugging. For example, if you set 'skipFiles': ['jquery.js'], then you will skip any file named 'jquery.js' when stepping through your code. You also won't break on exceptions thrown from 'jquery.js'. This works the same as 'Mark as Library code' in the Microsoft Edge DevTools.

The supported formats are:

  • The name of a file (like jquery.js)
  • The name of a folder, under which to skip all scripts (like node_modules)
  • A path glob, to skip all scripts that match (like node_modules/react/*.min.js)


The debugger uses sourcemaps to let you debug with your original sources, but sometimes the sourcemaps aren't generated properly and overrides are needed. In the config we support sourceMapPathOverrides, a mapping of source paths from the sourcemap, to the locations of these sources on disk. Useful when the sourcemap isn't accurate or can't be fixed in the build process.

The left hand side of the mapping is a pattern that can contain a wildcard, and will be tested against the sourceRoot + sources entry in the source map. If it matches, the source file will be resolved to the path on the right hand side, which should be an absolute path to the source file on disk.

A few mappings are applied by default, corresponding to some common default configs for Webpack and Meteor:

If you set sourceMapPathOverrides in your launch config, that will override these defaults. ${workspaceFolder} and ${webRoot} can be used here. If you aren't sure what the left side should be, you can use the trace option to see the contents of the sourcemap, or look at the paths of the sources in the Microsoft Edge DevTools, or open your file and check the values manually.

Ionic/gulp-sourcemaps note

Ionic and gulp-sourcemaps output a sourceRoot of '/source/' by default. If you can't fix this via your build config, we suggest this setting:


My breakpoints aren't hit when debugging Microsoft Edge(EdgeHTML). What's wrong?

If your breakpoints weren't hit, it's most likely a sourcemapping issue or because you set breakpoints before launching Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML) and were expecting them to hit while the browser loads. If that's the case, you will have to refresh the page in Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML) after we have attached from VS Code/Visual Studio to hit your breakpoint.

If you are using sourcemaps, make sure they are configured right.

Cannot connect to the target: connect ECONNREFUSED

This message means that the extension can't attach to Microsoft Edge, probably because Microsoft Edge wasn't launched in debug mode. Here are some things to try:

  • Ensure that the port property matches the port on which Microsoft Edge is listening for remote debugging connections. This is 2015 by default. Ensure nothing else is using this port, including your web server. If something else on your computer responds at http://localhost:2015, then set a different port.
  • If all else fails, try to navigate to http://localhost:<port>/json/list in a browser when you see this message - if there is no response, then something is wrong upstream of the extension. If there is a page of JSON returned, then ensure that the port in the launch config matches the port in that url.
  • If the above steps do not work, try closing all windows of Microsoft Edge and then relaunch.

General things to try if you're having issues:

  • Ensure webRoot is set correctly if needed
  • Look at your sourcemap config carefully. A sourcemap has a path to the source files, and this extension uses that path to find the original source files on disk. Check the sourceRoot and sources properties in your sourcemap and make sure that they can be combined with the webRoot property in your launch config to build the correct path to the original source files.
  • Check the console for warnings that this extension prints in some cases when it can't attach.
  • Ensure the code in your browser matches the code in Code. The browser may cache an old version of your code.
  • If your breakpoints bind, but aren't hit in Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML), try refreshing the page. If you set a breakpoint in code that runs immediately when the page loads in Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML), you won't hit that breakpoint until you refresh the page.


Send us your feedback by filing an issue against this extension's GitHub repo. Please include the debug adapter log file, which is created for each run in the %temp% directory with the name vscode-edge-debug2.txt. You can drag this file into an issue comment to upload it to GitHub.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct.For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ orcontact with any additional questions or comments.

We have a new internet browser! Microsoft Edge based on Chromium, available and supported on Windows 7, 8 and 10 and most importantly in Windows Server 2008 R2, 2012/2012 R2, 2016 and 2019. This means that we now have a modern and secure browser that can be managed via Group Policy and is supported by Microsoft in a server operating system.

I have been using this browser for quite some time now and it is awesome. One of the really great features is that you are able to install browser extensions from the Google Chrome Web Store, as Google Chrome has been available for a very long time, there are a lot of available extensions.

However with that said Microsoft now finds themselves in a situation where they offer a browser based on Chromium, which is an open-source project, which then again means that Microsoft does not control the entire code in the Edge browser. I am really excited about how Microsoft will handle this in the future.

Get the Edge Installer

So, how do we get the browser up and running in a Citrix VDA? We’ll start with downloading the enterprise MSI file here:

Edge administrative templates

And while there, we’ll also grab the administrative templates which enables us to configure around 200 different settings in the browser. Remember to copy the administrative templates to your Central Store.

Edge security baseline GPO

Microsoft has also created a security baseline GPO which can be found here:

With this, we are now ready to install and configure the new Microsoft Edge browser.

Installing the Microsoft Edge browser

Before installing the browser, be aware that you will have to prevent the Citrix API hooks from latching themselves onto the Microsoft Edge process. Citrix has an article on how to disable Citrix API hooks on a per-application basis. Two options are described in the article, I am using the option for XenApp and XenDesktop 7.9 or later. So your UviProcessExcludes value name should look like this:

What you need to do is to add the msedge.exe to any existing value data. This change requires a reboot, so you will have to apply this when installing the browser.

I have created a small PowerShell script which will add the msedge.exe value to any existing value data:

The Microsoft Edge browser also creates a shortcut on the public desktop (C:UsersPublicDesktop). I always recommend deleting application shortcuts on the public desktop, as I prefer to control which application shortcuts appear on the user’s desktop. Unfortunately deleting the shortcut on the public desktop is not enough, a shortcut is also created on the user’s desktop (C:Users%username%Desktop) during first logon, even though we deleted the shortcut on the public desktop.

This behavior is not new to me, it is also seen with the Google Chrome browser .

To prevent the shortcut from being created on the user’s desktop, a “master_preferences” file has to be copied to the C:Program Files (x86)MicrosoftEdgeApplication folder, overwriting any existing master_preferences file.

UPDATE – 21-04-2020 (April 21st 2020): As of v81.x stable build it is now possible to use an install parameter, to prevent the creation of a desktop shortcutduring user logon, a desktop shortcut is still created in the Public user desktop folder!


Edge Download For Windows Server 2012

Which means an install string could look like this:

UPDATE – 22-09-2020 (September 22nd 2020): As of v84.x stable build it is now possible to prevent the pinned Edge shortcut creation during the first launch of Edge. Like the desktop shortcut, this i achieved via a install parameter.


Which means in install string could look like this:

Install Edge Chromium Server 2019

The last thing we need to do, is to disable the services and delete the scheduled tasks that are responsible for doing automatic updates of the Edge browser. As with any other application in a non-persistent setup, we will have to disable any auto-update feature.

Here is a small post-install PowerShell script which will do the shortcut cleanup and disable the services and delete the scheduled tasks responsible for the auto-update feature in Edge:
UPDATE – 21-04-2020 (april 21 2020): I have removed the edgeupdatem service from the script below, as it triggered an error in Edge and an accompanied UAC prompt, when automatic update is disabled via GPO. The master_preferences file copy is also removed.
If you have en earlier version of the script, please update it with the new information.

The update error received, when the edgeupdatem service is disabled:

UPDATE – 28-05-2020 (may 28 2020): I have added Remove-Item -Path “HKLM:SOFTWAREMicrosoftActive SetupInstalled Components{9459C573-B17A-45AE-9F64-1857B5D58CEE}” -Force to the install script. This prevents a pinned Edge shortcut in the taskbar from being created. There are other solutions to this issue, which I have described in this article.

Now with the Edge browser installed we can move on to some basic configuration of the browser.

Group Policy Configuration

As mentioned earlier Microsoft has a baseline security GPO, and I would recommend to import this in your current environment, obviously you will have to do some testing, but from what I have seen, the current settings shouldn’t be “destructive” meaning, that nothing is broken in the browser. I will bring one additional group policy settings to the table, which are not found in the security baseline GPO. Any additional configurations should be added to another (new) GPO which should be linked to the same OU as the baseline GPO, but with a higher link order.

So in short, you end out with two GPOs. One GPO with the Microsoft security baseline settings, and one with any additional settings you configure.

Here is what a GPO configuration and link order could look like:

Edge Chromium Server 2019 Download

If you are unfamiliar with importing GPO settings, I would recommend looking at this guide:

The benefit of doing it this way, is that when Microsoft eventually release updates to their security baseline GPO, your can safely import these updated settings to the baseline GPO or a new GPO, and still have your own custom settings apply, as they are in another GPO.

Edge Chromium Server 2019 Install

The Microsoft Edge v79.x Security Baseline GPO contains the security baseline settings from Microsoft, and as mentioned this GPO shouldn’t be modified, as it will complicate any future updates of the GPO settings.

The Microsoft Edge v79.x Additional Configuration GPO should contain whatever policy configurations that applies to your setup. In here I have configured the “Update policy override” the reason for this is that if the user manually triggers the update of Edge, the user is prompted by UAC asking for an administrative username and password, not good,

Download Edge For Windows Server 2016

This concludes the guide and you are ready to start testing the Microsoft Edge browser in your Citrix environment and eventually releasing it to production.