
  1. Billboard Magazine
  2. Billboard Top 100

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bill·board 1

Billboard Classics(ビルボードクラシックス)の公式サイト。ビルボードが最高のパフォーマンスとともにクラシック音楽の新しい魅力を披露します。. Billboard 200; Billboard Global 200; Billboard Global Excl. US; Artist 100; All Weekly Charts; YEAR-END. Year-End Hot 100 Songs; Year-End Billboard 200 Albums; 2020 Year-End Boxscore; Google's. Online news and press release distribution service for small and medium-sized businesses and corporate communications. Includes current items, organized by date, topic, or geographic location.

1. A panel for the display of advertisements in public places, such as alongside highways or on the sides of buildings.
2. The advertisement or message posted on such a panel.
3. An introductory list of highlights from the program or text that follows, as in a broadcast or magazine.
tr.v.bill·board·ed, bill·board·ing, bill·boards
To advertise or proclaim on or as if on a billboard: billboarded as the workers' candidate.

bill·board 2

A ledge on the bow of a ship on which the bill of an anchor rests when the anchor is secured to the cathead.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


[C19: from bill1 + board]


(ˈbɪlˌbɔːd) n
(Nautical Terms) a fitting at the bow of a vessel for securing an anchor
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈbɪlˌbɔrd, -ˌboʊrd)
1. a flat surface or board, usu. outdoors, on which large advertisements or notices are posted.
[1850–55, Amer.]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
Noun1.billboard - large outdoor signboard
signboard, sign - structure displaying a board on which advertisements can be posted; 'the highway was lined with signboards'
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


A usually public posting that conveys a message:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
plakátovací plocha/tabule

Billboard Magazine

reklamná tabuľa
ilân tahtasıreklâm panosu


Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


Billboard (bil) noun
1. an account of money owed for goods etc. an electricity bill. كَشْف، حِساب، فاتورَه сметка conta účet die Rechnung regning λογαριασμόςfactura, cuenta arve قبض lasku factureחשבון बिल račun számla rekening reikningur conto, fattura 請求書 청구서 sąskaita rēķins bil rekeningregningrachunek مشوکه conta factură счёт účet račun račun räkning ใบแจ้งหนี้ fatura, hesap pusulası 帳單 рахунок بِل ، فردِ حساب hoá đơn 帐单
2. (American) a banknote. a five-dollar bill. noot وَرَقَةٌ نَقْديَّه банкнота cédula bankovka der Geldschein pengeseddel χαρτονόμισμαfactura, cuenta rahatäht اسکناس seteli billet שְׁטַר כֶּסֶף बीजक novčanica bankjegy uang kertas peningaseðill biglietto 紙幣 (미국) 지폐 banknotas banknote wang kertas bankbiljetpengeseddelbanknotnota bancnotă банкнота bankovka bankovec novčanica sedel ธนบัตร banknot, kâğıt para (美式說法)鈔票 банкнота بینک کا نوٹ hối phiếu 钞票
3. a poster used for advertising. aanplakbiljet إعْلان، دِعايَه афиш cartaz plakát das Plakat plakat; opslag διαφημιστική αφίσα billete reklaamplakat پوستر تبلیغاتی mainosjuliste afficheמודעה विज्ञापन पत्र reklamni poster plakát poster iklan auglÿsingaspjald cartellone, locandina ビラ 광고 전단 afiša, skelbimas plakāts; afiša pelekat iklan aanplakbiljetplakat, oppslagafisz تجارتی اشتهار cartaz afiş афиша, рекламныи плакат plagát plakat plakat affisch ใบปลิว afiş, ilân, poster 廣告張貼或海報 рекламний листок اشتہار tờ quảng cáo 广告,招贴
Billboard verb
to send an account (to someone). We'll bill you next month for your purchases. 'n rekening stuur يُرسِلُ الفاتورَه изпращам сметка mandar a conta vyúčtovat berechnen sende regning; debitere στέλνω λογαριασμό facturar arvet saatma صورتحساب دادن laskuttaa facturer לִשְלוֹח חֶשבּוֹן लेनदेन की सूचना देना račun számlát küld menagih senda reikning fatturare 請求書を送る 청구서를 보내다 atsiųsti sąskaitą aizsūtīt rēķinu menghantar bil de rekening sturen fakturere, sende regning obciążyć rachunkiem بانکی حساب mandar a conta a tri­mite factura выставлять счёт vyúčtovať poslati račun poslati račun skicka räkning แจ้งหนี้ hesabı göndermek, faturayı yollamak 開帳單給 виставляти рахунок کسی کو حساب بھیجنا lập hoá đơn 给...开帐单
ˈbillboard noun
a large board on which advertising posters are displayed. He stuck posters on the billboard. reklamebord لَوْحَةُ إعْلانات табло за обяви quadro plakátovací plocha/tabule das Anschlagbrett plakattavle; reklametavle πίνακας ανακοινώσεων valla publicitaria reklaamitahvel بیل بورد mainostaulu panneau d'affichage לוּח מוֹדָעוֹת बिलबोर्ड oglasna ploča hirdetőtábla papan reklame auglÿsingaskilti tabellone pubblicitario 広告板 게시판 skelbimų lenta ziņojumu dēlis papan iklan aanplakbordstor reklametavletablica ogłoszeń لوحه quadro para cartazes panou de afişaj рекламный щит reklamná tabuľa pano bilbord affischtavla ป้ายหรือกระดานขนาดใหญ่ใช้สำหรับโฆษณา reklâm panosu, ilân tahtası 廣告板,佈告欄 дошка для оголошень تختۂ اشتہار ، اشتہاری بورڈ bảng quảng cáo 广告牌
ˈbillfold noun
(American) a wallet. a billfold full of dollars. beursie, sakportefeulje مِحْفَظَةُ نُقود портфейл carteira peněženka die Geldtasche tegnebog; pung πορτοφόλιbilletero, cartera rahatasku کیف پول lompakko portefeuilleארנק डॉलरों से भरा बटुवा novčanik levéltárca dompet seðlaveski portafoglio 札入れ 가죽 지갑 piniginė naudas maks; kabatas portfelis dompet portefeuillelommebokportfel دپیسی کڅوره carteira portofel бумажник peňaženka listnica novčanik plånbok กระเป๋าสตางค์ cüzdan (美式說法)摺疊式皮夾 гаманець بٹوہ ، پرس cái ví 皮夹子

Billboard Top 100

fill the bill
to be suitable; to be exactly what is required. We are looking for a new car and this will fill the bill. aan alle eise voldoen يُلائِمُ ، يَكونُ مُلائِما подходящ satisfazer vyhovovat, splňovat požadavky den Ansprüchen genügen være egnet είμαι ό,τι πρέπει, κατάλληλος για κτ. servir; cumplir los requisitos sobib nagu rusikas silmaauku رضایت بخش بودن؛ حایز شرایط بودن soveltua johnkin tarkoitukseen faire l'affaire לְמָלֶא אֵת הַדּרִישוֹת आवश्यकतानुसार उचित निकलना biti prikladan ez megfelel a kivánalmaknak sesuai, memenuhi syarat sem nægir/fullnægir kröfum essere soddisfacente 望みにぴったりの 요구를 만족시키다 patenkinti poreikius, tikti atbilst prasībām sesuai aan de eisen voldoen egne seg, høve odpowiadać wymaganiom د منلو وړ satisfazer a fi potrivit удовлетворять требованиям splniť požiadavky popolnoma ustrezati odgovarati motsvara behovet, vara precis vad ngn behöver เหมาะสม uygun olmak; tam adamı olmak 適合,滿足要求 задовольнити вимоги ضرورت میں مطابق đáp ứng mọi yêu cầu 满足需要,符合要求
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.

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The Daily Grind Video

Source: Dimitrios Kambouris / Getty

Rihanna celebrated 5 years of her eighth studio album ANTI in January. During Women’s History Month, the album made history remaining on the Billboard 200 list for five consecutive years. Today, Rihanna reaches a major milestone in her career and music history as the first Black female artist to do so.

It is a celebratory moment indeed. Rihanna shares the news and her immense gratitude on Instagram today acknowledging that she is indeed a history maker. The iconic artist recently posted a video collage featuring Sizzla’s song, “Black Woman and Child,” saying, “Grateful to the most High for putting die hard supporters in my circle. Congrats to everyone that contributed to this era, thank you team.”

Fans can agree that Badgalriri deserves all of the praises, accolades and honor for her commitment to the industry.

How will Rihanna commemorate this major milestone? One fan hoped it could be in the form of new music, and the Roc Nation singer actually responded.

The user commented on her post, “Celebrate by releasing a song !!” Rihanna responded, “I think I should (soon),” and followed up with, “just 1 tho lol.”

At this point, Rihanna is the girl who cried wolf. She has been hinting at releasing new music for centuries it seems. Fans are absolutely fed up, but they are sure to use each post to beg for more music from the Billboard top-charting artist. Producers have been sending out subtle hints of a dance-hall centric album and the singer mentioned the possibility of an album publicly during a Vogue profile for the June issue in 2018.

Three years later (read in the Spongebob voice), fans are still waiting but maybe not for long.

The magazine also suggested that Supa Dups, the veteran dancehall producer behind notable hits like Drake’s “Controlla,” was “one influence” on the album, though other details were scarce. Though Supa Dups has not commented, two other sources with knowledge of Rihanna’s album confirmed the producer’s involvement.

Let us pray for more Rihrih, especially as we prepare for reopening across the country and the world. A spring or summer dance hall album doesn’t sound bad at all.

Vacay here we come!

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