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👉👉👉now to enjoy the perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOXNdrf4JSHI3-q7ULv2Lg/join. Microsoft OneNote The digital note-taking app for your devices. Their OneNote folders total +/-88GB in size with the largest being the one in question I can access the folder in OneNote Online The user is consuming 50GB of their 107GB of online space All other folders appear to be syncing I have tried: In OneNote on the Desktop: Closing the folder, restarting OneNote, re-adding the folder.

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win10 OneNote打不开,错误提示“0xe0001075”怎么办? 最近很多OneNote用户会出现打不开的问题,那么此问题如何解决呢? 下面和脚本之家小编一起了解下吧

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Error Code 0xe402005f One Note

September 17, 2018

    Microsoft Windows 10 has come with some new features. Microsoft OneNote app is preinstalled in Windows 10. In a new operating system, Users may face some problems for hardware incompatibility. But there are many Windows 10 users who are facing an issue with OneNote. That may be a bug. After opening OneNote app in windows 10, an error message is appearing. That is ‘Sorry, something went wrong. We were unable to sign you in. Please try again later’. As a result, Users can’t use this OneNote app in their newly installed windows 10. In this article, You will learn how to fix Sorry, Something Went Wrong issue with OneNote app in Windows 10.

    Fix Something Went Wrong Issue with OneNote in Windows 10:

    This is not a terrible problem for windows 10 users. It is so much easy to fix something went wrong error. You can fix it by following steps.

    Step 1:

    Open Windows PowerShell. To open it-

    • Press Windows Logo Key + R from your keyboard.
    • Type Powershell and press Enter.

    Step 2:

    Now you have to paste following command in Windows PowerShell and press Enter.

    get-appxpackage *microsoft.office.onenote* | remove-appxpackage

    This code will remove the preinstalled OneNote app from your Windows 10.

    Step 3:

    This is the final step to fix sorry, something went wrong error in OneNote app. Now you have to install OneNote app again. To do it-

    • Open Windows App Store from windows 10 start menu.
    • Now type onenote in search box and press enter.
    • Now Open and install the OneNote app which came from Microsoft.
    • After installation process, Open OneNote and see something went wrong problem has gone.

    By following these three steps, you can easily fix sorry, something went wrong error in OneNote. You also can fix it by unistalling and installing onenote again.

    To find more OneNote related solutions, You can visit Microsoft Community.