- Follow Peter Ryom and explore their bibliography from Amazon.com's Peter Ryom Author Page.
- ‘Cursum consumavi, fidem servavi’ (‘I have finished my course, I have kept the faith’), writes Peter Ryom in this new edition of his Vivaldi catalogue, quoting 2 Timothy iv:7. One can understand this assertion—with more than a hint of a sospiro in it—only too well.
- Ryom, Peter (b Copenhagen, 1937). Danish musicologist. Catalogued works of Vivaldi (Verzeichnis der Werke Antonio Vivaldis, Leipzig 1974, 2nd edn. 1979), superseding earlier catalogues by Fanna, Pincherle, and Rinaldi. Source for information on Ryom, Peter: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music dictionary.
Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
{{bottomLinkPreText}}{{bottomLinkText}}Peter Ryom is the author of Musikkens stilarter (5.00 avg rating, 2 ratings, 0 reviews), Antonio Vivaldi (0.0 avg rating, 0 ratings, 0 reviews), Les Manu. By Peter Ryom First published in 1974 5 editions. Repertoire des oeuvres d'Antonio Vivaldi. By Peter Ryom 1 edition. Antonio Vivaldi: thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis seiner.
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Peter Ryom Christensen
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Peter Ryom
Peter Ryom (born May 31, 1937 in Copenhagen) is a Danishmusicologist. He is internationally known as the author of the Ryom-Verzeichnis, the now-standard catalog of the works of Antonio Vivaldi. The number of a composition in the Ryom Verzeichnis (Ryom catalog) is always prefaced by the abbreviation RV. (The V in RV stands for Verzeichnis, not Vivaldi.)
Partial bibliography
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Peter Ryom Villadsen
Peter Ryom
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Peter Ryom Rommedahl
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